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DBA insurance is an insurance policy that arose through the Defense Base Act for government contractors. Therefore, DBA insurance is a form of workers’ compensation that applies to contract employees who work at U.S. defense sites or military bases overseas.
DBA benefits allow overseas employees to receive reimbursement for medical expenses and lost wages – just like people who receive workers’ compensation in the U.S.
You may need to contact a DBA lawyer if you don’t believe you’re receiving your entitled benefits. This is true whether your employer has or does not have DBA coverage.
The Defense Base Act (DBA) has protected overseas workers under military contracts since 1942. Over the past two decades, though, the U.S. military has added to its civilian contractors in places like the Middle East. This has escalated the number of workers’ compensation claims.
Legal advisors often recommend that you seek DBA legal representation if you’re seeking benefits under the DBA. You need to be a U.S. citizen to receive the coverage.
The U.S. Department of Labor – Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP), Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation administers and oversees the DBA to make sure all the proper employees receive money for on-the-job illnesses and injuries.
Workers covered under DBA protection include:
Report your DBA insurance claim immediately to your supervisor. They should authorize medical care ASAP, when necessary.
More specifically, file your DBA workers’ comp claim within three days of your reported injury if you’re having trouble performing your job.
If you have not been able to work for one or more shifts, your employer is required to file a First Report of Injury, Form LS-202, within a 10-day time frame from the recorded illness or injury.
Lost wages for DBA claims are typically reimbursed at around two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly pay, up to the weekly maximum. The compensation continues until the employee returns to work or a doctor states that medical improvement is reached.
Employers are required to pay a worker’s medical costs through DBA protection. However, they do not have to pay damages for pain and suffering.
Strict time limits apply when you’re seeking compensation for medical costs and lost wages. If you have questions about filing a DBA claim, you should speak to a DBA lawyer ASAP. Contact the Mara Law Firm now to learn more about your rights.
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by attorney David Mara who has more than 20 years of legal experience in employment law.
If you are in need of employment litigation attorney in California or have been injured overseas while under a military contract and are in need of a defense base act attorney. Please fill out the form below and contact us immediately for a FREE consultation.
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